Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This is not the greatest song in the world, this is just a TRIBUTE

Yesterday morning, the good lord found it favorable in his eyes to take the life of Jenny. She had lived a long and good life, but it was not without trials and tribulations. From an early age she had to put up with Shroz trying to name her "Bubbles" or BB spinning her really fast in the desk chair, or BB chasing her around with a pair of scissors, or BB chasing her around with "bad kitty" even though he knew she didn't like it. But there were good times as well, running around outside eating grass and getting fleas, only barfing in 3 pile intervals, and eventually developing the late shana's yowl. She was 19 years old, which in her years was like 300 or something. She was loved by almost all and will be sorely missed. The next time I am home watching TV my lap will be very cold without her.

Today's entry is in tribute to her. R.I.P. Jennifer Stacey.

Note: I pick and choose what qualifies as news stories for my blog, so even if something important (in your world) happened today, I may not report on it.

Welcome to the Afternoon Delight!

I was gonna try and stay away from politics on such a somber day, but this story was just too good. It was like a juicy piece of steak staring at you, what else are you gonna do? (unless you are a veggie, in which case imagine a big marinated piece of tofu, or some okra.)

Hilary Caught Cheating!
No, not the way Bill did. A female student from Grinnel College has come forward and stated that she was "planted" in the audience to ask a question to presidential hopefuly Hilary Clinton. The girl was given a question specifically designed to be asked by a college student, and she said she was not the only phony in the audience. The student claims that she thought the public has a right to know.

My Two Cents: This is awesome. I am sure this happens in every campaign, but I am loving that Hilary got caught first. Not neccessarily for any reason other than that she is the front runner. It just makes for a more interesting game. I mean election race. I wonder if maybe the said student is receiving some compensational funds from perhaps a NC or IL sentaors' campaigns? Nah I actually don't think that is the case, but I think it is interesting that when the girl suggested her question of asking what Clinton's energy policies were vs. her opponents, the girl was told maybe thats not such a good idea. This is just clarifying the picture for me of what Hilary seems to be running on. I think she is running on her name more than her policies. As opposed to Edwards who is running on bashing Hilary. (didn't he use to be an ambulance chaser?)


What's happening around the world.

Pakistan situation is boring:
I have decided to stop covering this for a while because its just not interesting anymore.

Hamas arrests 400 Fatah protesters:
I told you shit was gonna go down. After the initial protest in which 8 people were killed. Fatah gunmen took to the streets and its on now!

Also Hamas has stated that they are willing to begin discussions with Israel over a deal revolving around the release of captured IDF soldier Gilad Schalit.

My Two Cents: This infighting is not going to help the Palestinian cause during the Annapolis meetings (if they actually happen). Although to be honest, I dont see anything actually developing from those talks. Hamas states that they have no intention of hurting Schalit and are talking about his return, which makes me hopeful thinking this means he is alive. Many times when soldiers are "returned" it is not always the way you hope for.

Egypt announces "smuggling tunnels" report:
Egypt has announced that they have discovered over 60 tunnels used for smuggling arms and explosives into the Palestinian territories. They have also confiscated over 20,000 tons of TNT.

My Two Cents: Good job.

Russia honors MI6 "double-agent":
Russia has honored George Blake, orignally a British MI6 agent who then became a double agent during the cold-war for the KGB. Blake is credited with comprimising between "dozens and hundreds" of western operatives, as well as exposing the secret tunnel the U.S. and Britain dug into East Berlin. This is the most recent mud-in-the-face act to Britain by Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

My Two Cents:
So I know this hasn't been neccessarily dominating the news, but Russiahas been kinda scaring me lately. Putin has made relations with the U.S. and the west icy at best, and has been doing things that seem to be announcing Russia as the dominant country in the world once again. (Although they were tied with the U.S.) I am all for a country to have national pride and all that, but it seems like this could turn hostile(ish). I am not sure why Putin would want another cold-war, or even why he is doing everything he is doing, but its something to keep an eye on. Screw Pakistan, focus on Russia.

No news about the bigger, badder monkeys yet:
But that day will come, mark my words.

In American news-or as I like to call it, the "fun" news:
not too much crazy stuff today.

Police officer 'tases' him/herself:
A police officer tases themself and injured thier hands when forgetting to check the air cartridge in their weapon. They have been placed on disciplinary leave for not following safety procedures.

My Two Cents: This is the silly story of the day. I fought the urge to title it "don't tase yourself bro!" but mainly because the article for this story had alreay done that.

Police Officers shoot and kill teen holding hairbrush:
5 police officers shot an unarmed teen after responding to a distress call from his mother. The teen has had a history of mental health issues and when his mother called 911 he was heard in the background as saying that he had a gun. When the young man, holding the brush began approaching the police officers from his apartment, he was ordered to stop. The man dropped the brush but continued walking, at which point the officers unloaded 20 bullets into his body.

My Two Cents:This is pretty fucked up. The kid was unarmed, and even if they thought the brush was a gun, he dropped it before they opened fire. I understand they could have felt threatened, but 20 shots from 5 officers is a lot. This is not ok.

13 year old Mexican boy, may not be victim:
The 13 year old boy who was having a realtionship with his 26 year old teacher in Oklahoma, may not actually be 13 claims the womans attorneys. They are speculating that he is actually closer to 16 or 17. As well the idea that he is actually the one in control of their relationship, and she was the victim.

My Two Cents: C'mon. Really? EVEN if he is now 16, that would still have made him 13 and her 23 when they began their illicit love. She's still having sex with an underage teen. What changes in this scenario? In my opinion, nothing. I still hold by what I said about her last week. And you can find that in the archives.

Man found dead, stuck in cat door:
A man was found stuck in his girlfriend's cat door in FL. The man had been thrown out earlier in the night and it appears he was trying to get inside and unlock the door. Reports from his friends and family have stated that he was not a small person.

My Two Cents: I am not sure how to approach this without making it seem like I am making light of this situation. But...??????

Disabled teen bowls perfect game: This is really cool, check it out. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2007/11/13/mcdough.handicapped.bowler.wpbf

In entertainment news, another strike which does not affect my life has become a big hot topic.
The stagehands for all broadway productions are currently on strike:
Can't they just replace these people in like 20 min? What is the big deal?

I watched a movie called "Kalifornia" last night. A 1993 film starring Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, and Davic Duchovny. Awesome movie, Pitt plays a serial-killing white trash redneck and NAILS it! Lewis is prefect as a complete moron, and Duchovny looks silly with 2 earings, but hey, that was cool in 1993. Go see this movie PRONTO!

Jorge Posada has resigned with the Yankees. Not too much of a shocker there.

Seattle dominated SanFran in MNF. But who cares about either of those teams? what a horbbily crappy division. the NFC West does not deserve a playoff spot this year. Woof.

Ryan Braun and Dustin Pedroia win Rookie of the Year honors. Guthrie...got consideration in May.

For all of your sports needs, listen to the Throwdown with Rubes and Gordo on sunday nights at www.blogtalkradio.com/throwdown, or check out their facebook group.

That's all for today,

Keepin it real from the loop.

P.S. If you are sad about a cat, don't watch Shrek the 3rd on Joox, im not sure why but puss just made me sadder.

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