Friday, November 9, 2007

The Friday Lowdown

Welcome to the Afternoon Delight!
That's right, whether it be a delicious sandwhich, some day-time sex, or reading my news blog, Afternoon Delight is great anytime.

Since I come in extra early on Fridays, I have more time to read the news. Therefore Its going to be a long one today folks.

I am attempting to limit the amount of times I use the words "silly" or "apparently" so if you notice too many occurences, please feel free to let me know.

Note: I pick and choose what qualifies as news stories for my blog, so even if something important (in your world) happened today, I may not report on it.

Also, be sure to listen to the "throwdown"with rubes and gordo on Sunday nights, or check out their facebook group.

We shall start today, as always with a little politics.

I thought I'd stay away from the Presidential race today and cover something else.

Senate Confirms Mukasey:
The Senate has confirmed Michael Mukasey as the new U.S. Attorney General with a vote of 53-40. There are varying opinions of Mukasey due to his lack of admittance regarding "waterboarding" as a form of torture. Some people on Capitol Hill have expressed concern that Mukasey was confirmed mereley because he will be better than Gonzalez and that there needs to be an Attorney General in order for some stability to continue.

My Two Cents: I don't know much about his background, but I assume that there is more to his appointment then "he was the best guy available". The vote would not have passed without major support from some Democratic Senators so I think this could be a good choice. The waterboarding is a non-issue for me. Before someone flips out, let me explain why. Mukasey has stated that he personally regards waterboarding and all other forms of torture to be apalling, however he did not know enough about it to comment on specifics. From what I understand, the U.S. laws that prohibit things such as waterboarding do not apply to organizations such as the CIA, and to be hones, I am OK with that. I think that if the CIA needs to use certain techniques to obtain information, well then it is not a perfect world out there. However I am not suggesting that you or I should be allowed to practice anything of the sort.

1/4 Americans think Bush is worst President ever:

In a poll taken recently 23% of Americans think Bush is the worst ever.

My Two Cents: Have any of these people taken U.S. history 101? The man was a pimp, but Andrew Jackson did some pretty horrible stuff during his presidency. I think there can be case made for a lot of other presidents being worse, but I guess it depends on the categories being discussed. For all you other history majors out there, I know you agree with me.

Colom Wins Presidency:
Alvaro Colom was elected President of Guatemala yesterday.

My Two Cents: How many of our lives are affected by this event? Exactly, but I thought it was a nice tidbit that you can use at a cocktail party or shabbos dinner tonight.

U.S. Drugs: The United states "Drug-Czar" John Walters stated today that U.S. efforts in Colombia have disrupted to flow of Cocaine into the United States. These efforts have caused the price of Cocaine to skyrocket 44%.

My two Cents: First off, I think its silly (that's one) for someone who is fighting the "war on drugs" to be called a drug czar. I know this is not a new notion, but shouldn't drug czar refer to actual drug czar? Perhaps the guy who profits the most from his cocaine being sold all over the world? I dunno, maybe i'm just stupid. My sentiments go out to all of you clubbers and college students who now have a little less $$ in your pockets.

U.S. vs. Iran:
The United States Defense Dept. announced today that IF a conflict arose with Iran, then the U.S. is currently "fully prepared" and we "are up to date".

My Two Cents:
I feel like this was never an issue. I believe strongly enough in our armed forces that I believe there has always been a contigency plan for conflict with Iran. This is nothing more than politics, and I for one am sick of all the side-stepping about having a conflict with Iran. If its gonna happen, then its gonna happen. It seems like we are almost goading them into a conflict.

Pakistani Riot cops look like middle school hockey players:
In international news I ran across an article dealing with form Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto being placed under house-arrest. However the REAL story is the picture that accompainied the article. The Pakistani riot police pads look like hockey pads for boys.

My Two Cents: It was a rediculous sight and I found it hilarious. Also, the poltical situation over there hasn't changed so there is nothing to report.

Brazil now world's most powerful country.

Brazil has announced a discovery of a deep-sea oil well that could contain as much as 8 billion barrels of oil. This would launch Brazil into the top ten oil producers in the world. The shares for the company that discovered the oil well rose from $24 to $116 a share.

My Two Cents:
Get ready to start speaking Portuguese because aside from oil, Brazil could be one of the worlds top producers of alternative energry. According to some national geographic stuff, converting sugar cane into energy is like 10x more effective than using corn. So hold on to your wallets and digital cameras because here comes Brazil. On a side note, it would be nice to have a few thousand shares of the company right now.

Israeli government and Chief Rabbi ban beggars:
Beggars have been banned from the western wall. If you have ever visited there, you will understand how big of an impact this will have on the enjoyment of praying or even just visiting the holy Jewish site.

Check it out:

My Two Cents:
I once got into a fight with a guy who was shaking his collection box in my face, multiple times, while I was trying to pray. I whole-heartedly agree with this decision.

I JUST FOUND RTIHS FONT.-I just found this font, its awesome.

Now for the interesting news.

I have just hear news that there has been an oil spill near California (I think). Go read about it.

Bus driver fired-sicko taught a lesson:
A bus driver (somewhere, I forget) has been fired and is facing charges this week after driving his bus at speeds up to 37 MPH with a passenger hanging on the bus's mirror. The passenger urinated in the back of the bus, with others looking on and was then kicked off of the transit vehicle. The driver refused to let him back on and the man then grabbed a hold of the mirror and started driving. He proffessed a desire to find the bus pisser at his job, and then pee on his work.

My Two Cents:

I think that while what the driver did could have cost the man his life, the dude did pee on his bus. The quote the driver "You Fuck with me..I fuck with you". I think that guy should have also LET GO of the bus when it started driving away. Pronto.

Police auxillary shot:

A campus policeman, who is not actually a liscensed policemen but more of a cadet, was shot three times at a community college and is in critical condition. The police auxillary was in a campus security golf-cart when he rolled up on a suspect attempting the steal a car. The suspect then pulled out his gun and fired three time.

My two Cents:

I hope the guy has a full recovers. However I do feel the need to express the stupidity of police auxillary. Its one thing for them to check cars at the main entrance and stuff like that, but bottom line is..They are not cops. For the most part, atleast at my school, they were kids who got paid $7.00 to roll around in segways acting like they mattered. In a situation where you see a car being jacked, if you are carrying a whistle and pepper spray, maybe you should do your job, which is to call the actual police. I think thata situation like this could be avoidable if people understand their roles when it comes to fighting crime.

3 year old found in trash bag:

The body of a three year old girl has been found in a white plastic trash bag inside a park near her home. The cause of death has been discovered to be blunt force trauma, and her mother has admitted that the girl was dead at the home yesterday. No arrests have yet been made.

My Two Cents:

?!?...How are her parents not in jail right now? Seriously?

D.C. School district $$ used for strip clubs:

Two DC public school officials have admitted to using over $13,000 in funds to pay for thier gentlemens club bills.
Read this article, its hilarious and upsetting at the same time.

My Two Cents:
This can help explain why the DC school system is so crappy. Its nice to know that if the taxpayers money isn't going to the local schools, atleast it is staying within the commuity. I would be appalled if they were spending the money at Maryland strip clubs.

In Tech news: What the hell are these robotic bunnies? I dont get their purpose at all.

Fashion News:
I am trying this once to see if I care enough to write about fashion. Pronto.
There is a hippie designer store that is making designer clothes at hippie earth-friendly levels. I guess this is a good thing, but Im sure it still costs way to much to buy these clothes.

Sports: for all of your sports needs, listen to the Throwdown on sunday night with Rubes and Gordo, or join their facebook group.

The Wizkids remain at a goose egg for their win column.

The Orioles have yet to unload thei expensive vets, however there have been rumors floating of Tejada going to the yanks to play 3b. This would be better than Bedard going there.

West VA beat Louisville in College Football.

The MLB players union has expressed concern that the GMs at the winter meeting may have been colluding in order to drive the price for A-rod down. Who gives a fuck? so he gets $290 million instead of $300. Poor A-rod. Maybe he;ll pull a Sprewell and get the extra money by saying $290 mil aint enough to feed his family.

And Finally, Clinton Portis has come out with his first character appearance of the year: Choo Choo. If you have not yet seen a picture of this, please follow the link below. Although I am not sure how this would fare faced up against "Southeast Jerome" and "Dolla Bill".

keepin it real from the loop

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