Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sex auctions and meth deposits

What more could you ask from a headline?

An 18-year old woman deposited an envelope at her credit union yesterday. Upon opening the envelope, employees at the credit union discovered some cash and a bag of meth. She was then subsequently arrested for drug possession. Authorities think she may have accidentally included the meth when she was taking money out of her pocket.
Lesson: ALWAYS keep your drugs safe.

In better news , a woman who became pregnant after a sex auction from a German website, has won he rights to find out who the men she had sex with were. Six different men had winning bids on a website to anonymously have sex with this woman. She is now pregnant with one of the men's child. The website originally refused to give the names of the men, citing confidentiality agreements, but a court overruled those agreements with the child's right to know its father.
First of all I didn't know you could do that. Secondly, how do you not use protection?
Lesson:If you are going to have sex with multiple strangers off the internet, use protection!!