Tuesday, June 24, 2008

R.I.P. George Carlin

Guess who has some free time today.

An American hiker who was lost for 3 days was rescued in the Alps after attaching her sports bra to a logging cable. The workers at the base of the mountain saw the bra and called authorities.
I wonder if they eagerly expected to see a freezing cold topless woman?
Disappointingly enough she was smart enough to keep her shirt and jacket on.

A 64-year old Australian man has been charged with drunk driving. In his wheelchair. The man was found by police slumped over on an exit ramp of the highway. The man blew a 0.301 which i guess is high in Australia ( I don't know what system that is in). He apparently was travelling 9 miles from a friends house.
Who goes 9 miles in a motorized wheel chair?

Appliance Golf- look into it.

George Carlin was a great comedian. His delivery was amazing. I know I wasn't alive back in the 60's and 70's when he was a big deal, but I remember him as everyone in my generation does, as Rufus and Cardinal Glick (the inventor of the "Buddy Christ"). He will be sorely missed in the entertainment world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for linking to the Appliance Golf item in my Oddly Enough blog. Please come back often, bring your friends, and leave comments.

Bob Basler