Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You go Moko!!

A bottlenosed dolphin named Moko saved two pygmy sperm whales that were going to be euthanized after they beached multiple times off the coast of New Zealand. Moko is known by the locals for hanging around and playing with people in the water. The whales had been shoved off the beach multiple times, but could not find their way over the sandbar. Resuce workers were going to euthanize the whales in order to spare them a prolonged death.
YO GO MOKO! Screw Flipper, this guy should have his own show.

Also a man and his girlfriend were at the airport on their way to a Caribbean cruise when an airport security officer noticed a small black box stashed in a sock, and wanted a closer look. The officer then opened the bags, pulled out the box and removed an engagement ring from the velvety little black box. It doesnt take an Einstein to figure out what was inside that box.
So the man's engagement plans were ruined by a dambass security official. He still proposed, only at the airport, she said yes, and that is what is important blah blah blah.
I'd be pretty pissed.

I know these posts are getting weaker but I'll make up for it soon, I promise.

Keepin it real from the loop

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