Friday, February 29, 2008

Small Woman, Large Baby

Hello all, happy Friday.

A woman in Cincinnati, Ohio gave birth to a baby that was measured at 18'' in length. Now this is not so interesting other than the fact that woman herself is only 24'' from head to toe. Pretty crazy. Hencer the title: "Small Woman, Large Baby". Stacey Herald, has contacted the Guinness Book of World Records. They are investigating her case.

Newborn Falls onto Railroad Tracks, Survives:
An Indian woman riding the train to Ahmadabad went to the bathroom and unexpectedly gave birth to a baby girl. The woman passed out and the baby eventually fell through the toilet onto the tracks. The newborn survived the fall, and 2 hours later was found by relatives who were searching the tracks.
How is that for a story to tell when you are older. When someone tries to feel special by telling the story of how they were born in the back if a taxi cab, you can one-up them like no one else.

Prince Harry is being sent home from Afghanistan after word of his deployment was leaked to the media in recent days. Good for him. I am amazed that it was kept so quiet for so long. Props to him though for serving his country, now he can just go back and lounge it up a little at the palace pool.

CNN has a link to a video news report about a woman who was ""held hostage" inside her hourse by a wild goose. The goose was running around her yard and front porch honking. I cannot even fathom why this would make the front page of a major news site. Even more amazing though is that one goose, ONE, kept a woman and her dog barricaded inside her house till it left. Shoe the goddam thing away! Its one goose! Honestly, a 3-year old could do it.
The whole situation from the event to the coverage is pathetic. Here's the video for your viewing pleasure.

Lastly, if you haven't seen the "I'm Fucking Ben Affleck" video from the Jimmy Kimmel show, please go youtube it right away. It is friggin hilarious.

Thats all for today. Leave a post if you dare.

Keepin it real from the loop.

1 comment:

yaron. said...

i have had that ben affleck song stuck in my head for days.